Display Classifieds Booking in Dinamalar at Lowest Ad Rates



industry experience


- Why book Display Advertisement in the Dinamalar newspaper?
- Additional Information
The main reasons for Display Classified Advertisement in the Dinamalar are:
• Dinamalar Newspaper is the highest circulated National Tamil Daily in South India, the newspaper exhibits high circulation and readability. Characterised to be one of the most read newspapers in Tamil, the newspaper is published in ten cities in Tamil Nadu.
• Dinamalar Advertisement exhibits cost-effective options depending on the needs and budget of the advertiser.
Dinamalar Advertisement Rates are highly justifiable endowing you with cost-effective options like Dinamalar Classifieds and Classified Display ad formats.
Few pointers to remember before Dinamalar Advertisement in Display format:
• Display ads in Dinamalar newspaper are booked in multiple columns like the full page, half page, jackets, quarter page, bookmarks and other various custom sizes.
• All the Display Advertisement must be booked in advance for hassle-free and timely release. However, in the event of any last-minute requests, you can be assured to get a positive answer from our team at Bookadsnow.
• Personal advertisements can also be booked in the display format in the main newspaper section of Dinamalar Newspaper.
• Dinamalar Advertisement rates depend on their size and page on which the advert is published. Display Advertisement in Tamil newspaper can occupy a quarter of a page, half a page and even full page of a newspaper and cannot be less than 4X4 centimeter.
Book Display Classified Ads in Dinamalar Newspaper with Bookadsnow
An initiative of Lookad India Private Limited, Bookadsnow quarries on the vision to make booking Display Advertisement in Dinamalar relatively convenient and easier. With an experience of more than thirty years, Bookadsnow strives to be a leading Advertising Agency in India.
Perks of Publishing Display Advertisement in Dinamalar newspaper:
• Dinamalar classifieds is the high budget medium ad, but at Bookadsnow, we genuinely provide you with the best ad rates for the same with good position for maximum visibility.
• We assist you with the right placements and correct positioning for the Display Advertisement in Dinamalar newspaper. With our assistance, you can book across India in multiple columns like the half page, full page, jackets, quarter page, bookmarks and various other customized sizes.
• If you face any issue while selecting the display ad size to place the Display Advertisement in Dinamalar newspaper, simply drop us a query on our website and our media professionals will immediately get in touch with you.
You can have the same ad on two different dates as well as two different newspapers/magazines/ TV channels by selecting the right option and providing us with the dates and publication/ channel names in which the ad needs to appear. We will help you with the scheduling, booking, and buy of ad space and help you through till it is published/aired.
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