Top 3 Tamil Newspapers for Releasing Job Advertisements
Apr 27, 2021 | Newspaper
Staying up to date in times such as these cannot be stressed enough. Where COVID 19 has taken over the world by storm, a newspaper has become an essential tool owing to its credibility and timeliness. However, the necessity of a newspaper transcends its primary purpose of relaying news about the latest happenings across the country.
This is best seen through an advertisement for a job vacancy in a newspaper.
Amidst this global economic downturn, people are always on the lookout for openings and vacancies. Simultaneously, it also gives recruiters the benefit of choosing from a pool of competent candidates, presenting a win-win for all parties. Hence, there’s no denying the need for a recruitment ad today.
That’s the exact purpose behind releasing a job advertisement and if it’s in a Tamil newspaper, you’ll find a variety of options before you. However, we’ve done our homework to make things easier. Here are 3 popular publications that are definitely sure to provide the response you seek.
List of Tamil Publications By Popularity for Releasing Advertisements
Daily Thanti
You can’t release a job advertisement in a Tamil newspaper without considering Daily Thanti. Beyond the shadow of a doubt, this is one of the most prominent names that reflect the voice and opinions of the Tamilians. This newspaper was launched back in 1942 and has been instrumental in keeping the locals updated. Whether politics, finance or any other aspects of daily life, it has won hearts for its unbiased and accurate reporting.
Of course, the numbers reveal the same.
Total Readership: 24054000 (IRS 2019)
Average Issue Readership: 6572000 (IRS 2019)
Daily circulation: 1494539 copies
These are only possible due to the quality of news that makes people come back for more.
Being around for decades, this newspaper wins due to its simplicity in language, timeliness and authenticity of information, large audience base and even larger reach across states and cities. Hence, a Daily Thanthi job advertisement can do it all! Perfect for advertising in Tamil Nadu, it is published from 16 cities with a variety of supplements for better targeting options. SiruvarThanga Malar and Muthucharam are among the many that exist for advertisers today.
Finding its way into the day to day affairs of people in Tamil Nadu, this newspaper was founded by T.V. Ramasubbaiyer (a well-known freedom fighter, journalist and philosopher). It has roots in the year 1951 with the values of truth, trust and timeliness at the core. With time, other editions were launched in cities like Chennai, Puducherry and other key towns in Tamil Nadu.
This newspaper covers important topics like international and national news, sports, local happenings and politics. Besides its good reception among audiences, it is particularly known for its popularity among the upper and upper-middle class intelligentsia. Here are a few solid reasons why you should opt for a Dinamalar newspaper job advertisement.
Nonadherence to political parties or religions
Fearless reporting aimed at presenting the truth
Quality content for engaging readers from all walks of life
Wide variety of supplements available
With Dinamalar, you will find a good set of additional supplements for better targeting options. Whether Nagar Malar, Siruvar Malar or Manamalai, they are known to reach audiences of every age group. Besides this, the publication has recorded a total readership of 11796000 with an Average Issue Readership of 2886000 (IRS 2019). Due to these above-mentioned features, Dinamalar definitely stands as a great choice for releasing a job advertisement in a Tamil newspaper.
The last yet one of the best options to consider, Dinakaran is another widely distributed Tamil daily that is sure to give you the response you seek. It was founded in the year 1977 by K. P. Kandasamy is printed in 12 cities across India. Though the Daily Thanthi is seen as a market leader in this category, this newspaper shows no compromise in quality regarding objective, authentic and engaging information.
Whether current affairs, entertainment or business, this newspaper has amassed a good base of readers over the years. This definitely makes it a great platform for an advertisement for a job vacancy in a newspaper. And here are a few more reasons that you should choose Dinakaran for the same:
Impressive reach across cities
Better chances of visibility for ads
Targets readers of all ages
Total readership of 12656000 (IRS 2019)
Publishes quality news regularly
Additional supplements available
Without a doubt, this list is sure to help when deciding which one is best for a job advertisement in a Tamil newspaper. And if you require additional assistance regarding your newspaper advertising efforts, Bookadsnow is ever ready for advertisers and their diverse needs!
So skip the tension and contact us today!

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