The Ideal Print Advertisement Decoded
Jan 23, 2019 | Newspaper
Advertising is everywhere. From baby wipes to bikes, we see all kinds of products in newspaper advertisements today. A huge influx of ads is making it very difficult for companies to get themselves noticed. Each one is fighting for their rightful share of their customer’s attention. How is it that smaller companies gain the attention of the masses while larger corporations fail to make an impact at times? We are all asking the secrets of a successful print advertisement without trying to make ourselves look like complete fools.
Print advertising has been here for as long as people can remember. Even before the era of newspapers and magazines, people carried the news of novel products and services forward in pamphlets. With time, the print advertisement has become a niche of creative geniuses who think of innovative ways to sell old products to new target groups.
Our research on the most popular print advertisement of 2017 shows the recurrence of a few traits among the adverts. There are a few discernible traits among newspaper advertisement designs, which tell us the hidden secrets of successful print advertising.
Here are the eight traits that can make your newspaper ads more effective:
Say less, show more – Your copy should be short and easy to remember. People do not want to read line after line of product description in your ads. Your catchphrase should be impactful. Let us ask you a simple question “Is there a lot of negative space?” If your answer is a resounding “Yes!”, then you are definitely on the right track.
Provide all the information your customer will need – In the limited space you must include all your contact details. Use bullet points and visual cues to guide the customers’ view towards necessary information.
Set a hierarchy – The main title should be big, so should be your brand name. Other allied information should be smaller. This is the most common hierarchy in case of print advertisement. Emphasize the benefits and keep them easily visible.
Pick an image – You must have already noticed some time-tested trends in image selection by print advertisers. Most life insurance companies use images of happy families and most hospitals use pictures of newborns. These are techniques that elicit the highest percentage of positive responses from target groups. Always select relevant images and make sure to research on the themes.
Go big or go home – This is the biggest trait of all successful ad campaigns in print media. In print advertisement, size matters. A jacket ad bears the most important and commands most respect. If you are a new company in a highly competitive domain, we suggest you go for the jacket, front page or the last page. Using special supplements also works to attract attention. However, compromising the size of your print ad for a premium page makes little sense. That is why you need an experienced and client-oriented company like Bookadsnow to help you find the right balance.
Tell your potential customers what to do - It is a myth that people do not like being told what to do. Most of your customers lack direction. Your newspaper ads format should be able to tell your customers exactly what to do. Whether to send an SMS on so and so number, or buy from your store before the end of the month for an attractive discount. You should mention it clearly in your ad.
Include references and awards - We have seen that including an external reference in newspaper and magazine ads elicits the number of positive responses. Include the details of an award won or a professional certification to see a more instant positive response from your potential customers.
Include a problem-solving attitude - You must show your brand in a positive light. Create a problem solver image for your brand, and highlight the solution(s) to a particular situation. For example – an ad for an antacid should showcase the positive effects of taking the pill rather than highlight the discomforts of dyspepsia. People are honed to react negatively to problems. You must become the hero without a cape for your potential customers and offer them affordable solutions through your print advertising.
How many of these traits do you see in your current print advertisement?
The readers should be able to relate to your brand and services as happy customers. Offer wholesome solutions. Keep the taglines catchy and the message positive. Research well on dominant colors used in print ads and their impacts on your target group’s psyche. Print advertising is not a one-day deal. It is an ongoing process to uplift your brand by leveraging already established platforms including local dailies and niche magazines.
Bookadsnow is an online media planning portal with tailor-made media planning and booking services. Television advertising, newspaper advertisement, and magazine advertisements are our forte and we aim to provide quality media planning, buying, and evaluation solutions across all advertising mediums. Now book your creative print ads online and hassle-free now with Bookadsnow.

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